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Representative Gary Peters on House Floor opposing cuts to unemployment benefits
Representative Gary Peters speaking on House Floor regarding unemployment benefits
Congressman Gary Peters fights against cuts to Unemployment Insurance
Rep. Gary Peters fighting for a full extension of unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut
Representative Gary Peters on the House Floor on July 28, 2011
Representative Gary Peters on the House floor on CSPAN, January 12th, 2011
U.S. Rep. Gary Peters speaking on the House floor on closing tax loopholes
Gary Peters Demands Investigation into Health, Environmental Impact of Petroleum Coke
U.S. Congressman Gary Peters fights to protect SNAP food assistance
Rep Gary Peters speaking on the House floor about a woman's right to choose on May 4, 2011
Rep. Gary Peters fighting against GOP opposition to women's access to contraception
U.S. Rep. Gary Peters fighting for his Outsourcing Accountability Amendment